Connect with others and grow your faith in 2024!

You’ll feel more at home and notice your faith growing as you have at least one connection—a group, a class, a team—outside of worship.

Pray Regularly

Prayer is essential because it helps us to stay close to God. When we pray, we open our hearts to Him, and He can work in and through us. Prayer also helps us to grow in our relationship with God.   

  • Designate a time of day you pray or a routine, like when you get up in the morning or before you go to bed.    

  • Start a prayer journal that also helps keep your prayer time focused. There’s a good one available at the POP Connection Center if you need one. 

  • Use the ACTS prayer to guide your prayer time.

    • ADORATION = Praise God for all that He is.

    • CONFESSION = Confess your sins and ask for forgiveness.

    • THANKSGIVING = Thank God for everything He has done, is doing, and will do in your life.

    • SUPPLICATION = Present your requests for yourself and others to God.

Be in God’s Word

The Word of God is life-changing, life-sustaining, and life-giving. In God’s word, we learn who God is and how much he loves us, and we learn more about His plan for our life.  The Bible is the guidebook for us as Christians.  

  • Designate a specific time to read the Bible and make it part of your morning/evening routine.    

  • Start a 90-day Gospel challenge.  Read a chapter a day, beginning with the gospel of Matthew, you will get through all four gospels in 90 days.    

  • Download the YouVersion App to your phone or tablet to listen to someone read you the Bible. 

Serve at POP and/or Outside POP…

…where we learn and live Christ’s peace together. We have unique gifts, passions, and a desire to make a difference in the world. By serving on a team, you get to explore and exercise your gifts while meeting the needs of others and making a real difference.  

  • Click here to discover various serving needs at POP and find your serving sweet spot.

  •  Contact Susan Klemstein for help with serving inside and outside POP. 

Live Generously with the Treasures God has Blessed You with.

When a person lives generously with their time, talent, and treasure, others are blessed by the generosity. When it is within a person's power to respond, they relish the privilege of making a difference and blessing the life of another, whether a friend or stranger.  

  • Generosity means you are giving of yourself to help others.  The treasures God has given you are Time, Talents, and Treasures. If you want to live generously with your time and talents, contact Susan Klemstein.

  • Click here if you want to be more generous with your treasures towards POP.

Get more involved in the events and activities at POP

Whether attending the Chili Cook-Off, gathering with other people, or singing in the choir, being involved will only enhance your life. You'll serve God by engaging in fellowship with others and helping those in need.  Find “Things to Do” on the Church Center app. 

Start a Discipling Relationship

Healthy, intentional relationships are crucial in your walk of faith. Creative and consistent commitment to God's call requires the help of others. Jesus modeled this relationship with his disciples.  

Join or Start a Group…

…where we learn and live Christ’s peace together. A group is a place for getting together to “do life together,” eating together, watching the games, celebrating, supporting, or serving together.    

  • Click here to find a complete list of currently-meeting groups. Find one that meets your needs, and then send a message to the group leader.     

  • Are you thinking about starting a group? This resource about leading a group will help you get started.  Contact Pastor Matt if you need assistance.