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IGNITE Wednesday Night: Youth Group for students in 5th-8th grade

Fun. Fellowship. Serving. At IGNITE we're all about learning, growing in our faith, building relationships, and serving God with the gifts we've been given. Each time we meet we engage in teaching, small group time, games, service projects, fellowship and outreach opportunities, not to mention that we start our activities with fun food! IGNITE Wednesday Night is held bi-weekly from 6-8pm.

Confirmation Instruction

To confirm their faith, students can join the confirmation class beginning in 7th grade. The class is a two-year program (from September to April.) In addition to regular attendance, we encourage regular attendance at worship and service in your community. Learn more here.

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Sunday Night Fuel: Youth Group for students in 9th-12th Grade

At FUEL we're concerned with joining you just where you are at, and being real with you. Jesus accepts people and relates with them just where they are at. We want to do the same. We want to connect with Jesus and with each other. Let's be REAL together, real silly, real faith-filled, real happy, real stressed, real peaceful!

We have a lot of fun and enjoy one another, as we learn and connect with God. Through a combination of games, large group teaching, small groups, and music and singing with the band, we encourage one another and lift each other up.