We empower caring people to Share Christ’s Peace in our busy communities.

We empower caring people to Share Christ’s Peace in our busy communities. ■

Our Mission


Who are we becoming as we live out our mission?
A family of everyday missionaries transformed
by Jesus and transforming the world around us.

Our Gatherings

Do you want to get more connected and grow in your faith at POP? You’ll feel more at home and notice your faith growingwhen you have at least one connection (a group, a class, a team) outside of regular worship. 

What’s the best way to get to know someone? Share a meal with them! Everyone needs food, and sharing a meal breaks down barriers while you enjoy unhurried time and conversation. Repeat, and repeat and repeat. Watch your friendship grow, and opportunities to share your faith will abound!

Our Everyday Missionary Practices

Values: Our POP DNA

What We Believe

  • The only true God is the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct persons in one divine being (the Holy Trinity.)

  • The Bible is the only final authority for Christian faith and life. The Bible is the "Holy Scripture" because God the Holy Spirit gave to His chosen writers the thoughts they expressed and the words that they wrote. Therefore, the Bible is God's own Word and truth, without error. We further believe Jesus Christ is the heart and center of the Scripture and therefore the key to its true meaning.

  • God created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, in the image of God. This image was lost when they disobeyed God and fell into sin. Sin has brought guilt and condemnation to all people.

  • Jesus Christ-both true man and true God-redeemed all people through His life, death and resurrection. He is our only Savior from sin, death, and the devil. The good news of our salvation in Jesus Christ is called "the Gospel."

  • All people are, by nature, spiritually blind and dead and therefore cannot by their own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ as Lord or come to Him. Instead, the Holy Spirit calls us to faith by the Gospel. God the Holy Spirit earnestly wants to convert all people and bring them to salvation. However, many reject the Word and resist the Holy Spirit and therefore they remain in unbelief and under God's judgment by their own fault.

  • The Holy Spirit, by faith, works a renewal of our whole life-in spirit, will, attitude, and desires-so that we now strive to overcome sin and do good works.

  • There is only one church, made up of all those who believe in Christ. Because faith, which makes people members of the church, is invisible, the church is invisible to human eyes. However, members of the invisible church should be faithful to a local, visible gathering of believers. Our duty is to maintain and extend God's church by telling others about Jesus Christ, by personal service, and by prayer and financial support.

  • Baptism is a sacrament in which God receives us into fellowship with Himself. Those who can receive instruction are to be baptized after they have been instructed in the main articles of the Christian faith. Little children-including babies-are to be baptized when they are brought to Baptism by those who have authority over them.

  • The Lord's Supper is a sacrament in which Christ gives us His own true body and blood with the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins.

  • Christ will return visibly and with great glory on the Last Day to judge the world and make everything new.

Meet the Team

Karl Fay
Senior Pastor

Matt Koenig
Discipleship Pastor and Director of Adult Ministry

Jackson Faltinek
Building Services Assistant

Jennie Broering
Office Manager
and Design Specialist

Sharon Brunks
Executive Assistant
to the Senior Pastor

Jennifer Edwards
Director of Family Ministry

Alex Falls
Worship Arts Director

James Gruben
Director of Facilities
& Technology

Laura Harris
Administrative Assistant

Susan Klemstein
Director of Outreach,
Financial Controller

LCC Comfort Dog

Carrie Kuehm
Music Ministry Assistant

Miles Schuett
Building Services Assistant

Kerri Stallard
Parish Administrator

Jeni Walker
Director of Communications & Hospitality

Not sure who to contact? Send your message to the church office and it will be forwarded to the appropriate party.

Board of Directors

Prince of Peace operates under a policy-based governance model by way of its Board of Directors. The Board includes the Senior Pastor (ex officio) and nine members elected to serve from within the church body. The activities of the Board are in accordance with and limited by their Policy Manual. The overall responsibility of the Board of Directors is twofold:

  •  To act on behalf of the congregation in all matters delegated to it by the Constitution & By-Laws or by the action of the voting membership, and

  • To provide a strong, powerful, and ethical pursuit of the congregation’s Mission while honoring the congregation’s Core Values.

Meet Our Mission Partners

Our mission partners are integral to our efforts in making a difference locally, regionally, and globally. Explore our partnerships, learn about their important work, and discover how you can get involved. Together, we strive to create positive change and extend support to those in need. Thank you for joining us on this mission.

The Story of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church